Available job post

Here are the available job post currently on our Platform. Kindly look through the requirements before you apply

Trainee Pilot

Applicant must be a new entrant in driving with 0-4 years driving experience 

Pilot 1

Applicant must have driving experience of 4-5 years

Pilot 2

Applicant must have driving experience of 5-10yrs

Pilot 3

Applicant must have 15 years and above driving experience

How We Work

We help you get your desired driving job  in these three simple steps

Group of black friends sitting on couch, having video call




Find Your Job

Search for your desired Job post on our website or through any of our advertising platforms

Apply Your Job

Apply for the job through our website or follow the detailed instruction on how to apply from any of the platform you saw our adverts


Be rest assured once we receive your packages you will be invited for interview. You will be given prior notice before your scheduled day so plan ahead

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Office Address:

Block B1, NAOWA Plaza, Off LASU/Iba-Isheri Road, Ojo Lagos

Registered Address:
3, Adeola Odeku Street, Victoria Island, Lagos

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08:00 AM – 04:00 PM

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